Thursday, August 15, 2024

Vesselless by Cortney L. Winn

Author: Cortney L. Winn
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Merciless Realms # 1
Ebook, 494 pages 
Publication: March 23, 2024
Source: Kindle Unlimited
She’s heiress to the throne. The throne her father stole from him.

Nizzara has always been able to perceive spirits better than the average caster. When she enters a deadly tournament to end her betrothal, she's determined to win without succumbing to the addictive spirit magic she channels or taking a life in the duel ring. Finding herself outmatched, Nizzara must face her fear of power and team up with Dagen—an enemy who is half-ghost and all charm—to survive the tournament.

Dagen, the last King of Zarr, was killed by Nizzara’s father ten years ago. Now a half-ghost—able to phase between his human and spirit form—he is stuck in another realm, hunting wretched souls. When his keeper offers him a chance to reclaim his freedom in exchange for Nizzara’s soul, Dagen takes the deal.

There’s only one catch: she must freely give it to him by the tournament’s end or his own soul is forfeit.


Vesselless has been taking the book world by storm, and I am so glad I read it! When I heard this book featured ghosts, I was intrigued, though I was also a bit skeptical about how everything would work, given that one of the main characters is a ghost. However, Winn weaves everything together perfectly.

Vesselless incorporates many tropes that readers have come to either love or hate, such as the morally grey/shadow daddy, trials and competitions, and an arranged marriage. Yet, Winn puts her own spin on these elements, offering a refreshing new take. What truly sets Vesselless apart from other books in its genre is its magical world-building and richly developed characters.

In the world of Vesselless, three main kingdoms are vying for dominance. Readers can expect political intrigue and godly influences shaping the lives of the people of Zarr, Zo, and Zem. Adding to the complexity, the nobility and their people wear vessel rings that bond the user with a spirit. These spirits not only offer protection but also grant magical abilities. Meanwhile, the infantry and guards are tied to their rulers through these rings, compelling them to obey every command.

I absolutely loved the world and characters. Without a doubt, I haven't read any book quite like Vesselless. The author skillfully integrated many elements I enjoy, with perfect pacing and writing. I immediately connected with Nizzara and Dagen, and I loved their chemistry and banter. Many readers described this as a slow burn, but in my opinion, I wish it had been even slower—I would have preferred if the leads didn't get together in the first book. Nevertheless, I enjoyed every aspect of their relationship.

While the ending was somewhat predictable, I am still excited to see what happens next. I thoroughly enjoyed Vesselless and highly recommend it to fans of Romantasy.

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