Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Quicksilver by Callie Hart

Author: Callie Hart
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Fae & Alchemy # 1
Paperback, 622 pages 
Publication: June 4, 2024
Source: Personal Library
In the land of the unforgiving desert, there isn’t much a girl wouldn’t do for a glass of water.

Twenty-four-year-old Saeris Fane is good at keeping secrets. No one knows about the strange powers she possesses, or the fact that she has been picking pockets and stealing from the Undying Queen’s reservoirs for as long as she can remember.

But a secret is like a knot.

Sooner or later, it is bound to come undone.

When Saeris comes face-to-face with Death himself, she inadvertently reopens a gateway between realms and is transported to a land of ice and snow. The Fae have always been the stuff of myth, of legend, of nightmares…but it turns out they’re real, and Saeris has landed herself right in the middle of a centuries-long conflict that might just get her killed.

The first of her kind to tread the frozen mountains of Yvelia in over a thousand years, Saeris mistakenly binds herself to Kingfisher, a handsome Fae warrior, who has secrets and nefarious agendas of his own. He will use her Alchemist’s magic to protect his people, no matter what it costs him… or her.

Death has a name.

It is Kingfisher of the Ajun Gate.

His past is murky.

His attitude stinks.

And he’s the only way Saeris is going to make it home.

Be careful of the deals you make, dear child.

The devil is in the details...


After seeing Quicksilver on my FYP for weeks, I finally took the plunge and read the book. I'm so glad I did! Like many Romance Fantasy/Fantasy series nowadays, Quicksilver features the usual fae, vampires, and gods, but it stands out with its unique and fresh take on these subjects.

I was effortlessly immersed in the world and writing within a couple of pages. The world-building is fascinating, vivid, and well-developed. While reading Quicksilver, I could easily imagine Saeris and Carrion running the third ward, and Kingfisher and Ren at the battlefronts. The magic system in Quicksilver is straightforward but complex enough without being convoluted or resorting to info-dumping. I absolutely loved all the characters. Saeris is probably one of my new favorite heroines. Imagine a petite, independent, kick-ass woman who can take down men three times her size, yet still has a big heart and a great sense of humor. Kingfisher was perfection—the kind of male lead/hero I enjoy reading about. I can't think of a single negative quality when it comes to Kingfisher. I loved their chemistry, interactions, and especially their banter. The banter was everything!

Quicksilver is very character-driven and centered. I love when an author writes fully developed, fleshed-out characters with flaws and attributes we can relate to and connect with. Whether it's a villain like Malcolm or a minor but adorable character like Archer, each character feels real.

Quicksilver is one of the best books I've read so far this year and easily in my top five reads. I loved it so much. If I could rate it more than five stars, I would. It was just that amazing. I highly, highly recommend Quicksilver if you haven't read it yet. You will not regret it! And you know what's crazy? The author mentioned that this was her first foray into the Romantasy/Fantasy genre and that she didn't have an audience for it. I was shocked to learn that because, as I mentioned earlier, the world-building is done really well. I can't wait for book 2, which comes out later this year in the fall!

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