Thursday, July 25, 2024

Threaded by Tay Rose

Author: Tay Rose
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Solstice Cycle # 1
Paperback, 600 pages 
Publication: May 1, 2024
Source: Personal Library
In a world where magic means servitude, being giftless is a blessing.

Mariah’s twenty-first birthday was supposed to bring freedom: from expectation, from scrutiny, from the oppressive lord reigning over her hometown. When a summons from the Queen puts those dreams at risk, she has no choice but to follow through—even if it means a future she doesn’t want or deserve.

Thrust into a world of cutthroat politics, secret rituals, and ruthless power grabs, Mariah is forced to come to terms with her new position as terrifying hidden magic begins to awaken in her veins. Meanwhile, the brooding, disgraced royal heir selected to serve in her sworn guard inexplicably hates her, yet he can’t seem to stay away. As the kingdom’s delicate balance shifts and crumbles, Mariah’s freedom seems further away than ever.

Relationships blossom, schemes are unearthed, and gods are awakened… yet her heart may be the biggest threat of all.

Love is a weakness. But will fate weave a different thread?


Threaded was a pleasant surprise. I honestly haven't heard much about the novel, but a sub was featuring the book; so, I thought I would give it a go. Like most Romantasy-Fantasy novels these days with the Chosen One Trope, Threaded centers around a young woman on the brink of turning twenty-one. All her life she dreamt of escaping the everyday norm, to travel the world. But on her twenty-first birthday, The Queen requests all those of age to present themselves before her and one will be chosen as the newest Queen Apparent. Our Heroine Mariah is of course chosen and thus begins her journey to becoming Queen.

If anyone has read The Legacy series by Melissa E. Roehrich, then you'd enjoy this as well. Because the two series are very, very similar. Especially with the involvement of Gods and Goddess and how the Heroine is written. I thought the world-building and magic system was interesting. Mariah's first task as the Queen Apparent necessitate that she chooses seven men to form her guards and seven women to be her ladies in waiting. For the men, she has to bond to them magically and is only breakable in death. 

Overall, I thought Mariah was a good heroine, but I've been seeing a pattern in most Fantasy Novel: Feminine Rage. Half the time Mariah was either raging at the world about her situation or repeatedly telling the reader how much she never asked to be Queen and the other half; she actually steps up to the task and acts like a Queen worthy of her people. But it was constantly a whiplash, hot and cold when it came to Mariah's emotions. And speaking of hot and cold, Mariah's love interest is practically the same. One minute he acts very caring and the next he treats her badly. It goes on like this for majority of the book. It was tiring to read. And the love interest, isn't really likable nor has any redeeming qualities. 

Despite these slight criticisms, I do plan on picking up the sequel when it comes out, but I won't be rushing to read it. I am curious as to what will happen next. I hope Mariah leans more to becoming the powerful Queen that she could be and less an angry petulant child. I am also tired of all the feminine rage and rollercoaster emotions I've been seeing in books...unless someone can write it better. 

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