Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Beyond the Aching Door by Victoria Mier

 Beyond the Aching Door
Author: Victoria Mier
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Fatebound Duology #1
Paperback, 532 pages 
Publication: March 26, 2024
Source: Personal Library
A mortal journalist. A mysterious series of drownings. An exiled Fey king. A forgotten Fatesong. A single, desperate chance to save magic from extinction.All Raegan Maeve Overhill wants is to survive another October. It's the anniversary of the worst thing that ever happened to the unsolved disappearance of her father nearly two decades ago. But when mysterious drownings grip the city of Philadelphia, Raegan sets her mourning rituals aside for a career-making opportunity to lead her newspaper's investigation.

Her hunt for answers takes her to the city's shadowy places where magical beings appear in puddles, the Fair Folk offer bargains, and magic is very, very real. When Raegan uncovers a startling connection to her father’s disappearance, she knows she can’t just return to her normal life without uncovering the truth. To get it, though, she’ll need to make a deal with the dark, deadly and alluring Unseelie Fae King—and do her best to ignore their dangerous attraction to one another.


DNF @ 32%

I was really looking forward to this book. I haven't found any good Urban Fantasy being written nowadays. And it saddens me to say this wasn't it either. The writing was all telling instead of showing. It was so distracting being told exactly what the heroine was doing line by line. As if the readers were too unintelligent to figure out what was happening in a scene.

I absolutely loathed Raegan from the start. She is truly an unlikable character with not a single redeeming quality. We're told she's 30 or so but she acted like an immature child with anger issues. Literal tantrums being thrown. It was very off-putting. As for the love interest, he was as bland as a cardboard box. Readers again were told over and over like the author was trying to knock it into our heads that the two are long lost love. I got it...after the n-th time it was mentioned. But even so, after being told that I didn't feel the chemistry between the two. It was all very weird and unbelievable.

This book was an unexpected disappointment. Was really hyped for a new fae urban fantasy instead I got a lackluster novel with terrible characters.

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